I learned something last night which I wanted to make you aware of, sorry if you already know this. Ever since blogger started with those darn (insert stronger words here) word verification, I've been getting spam. Not a huge deal, just annoying, blogger catches them and I just go in every once in a while and clean them out of my spam folder. Last night I jumped over to stats and saw a few visits from somewhere strange. I'm not typing the address, it was numbers and letters then ultrafiles dot net. I clicked on it and went to a page that wanted to download something. I immediately hit my panic buttons, shut everything down and from another computer I goggled that address, it's malware. I ran a deep scan (3 hours, no pinterest for me last night) and luckily nothing got through.
But, I found out there are tons of these places and they do just that, scan blogs hoping people will do just what I did. Some of you know I'm a bit of a techie, I got a job once because they needed someone to break into a computer that a disgruntled employee had password protected before they left, (how's that for references) so I know better and I still did it. We all know not to click on links we don't know but, sometimes curiosity wins.
Little side note, Mister "I can barely send email" laughed his butt off (wouldn't it be nice if you could actually do that? My butt would be perfect).
I need pictures when I read blogs so here's one that has nothing to do with any of this.
Let's be careful out there,