I'm so sad to say this is the final NEW FO linky party, after 3 years Barbara is calling it quits and there's nothing to say except Thank You Barbara for putting it together, I think we've all had a good time, met new people and enjoyed a chance to talk about what we started during the month.
The FO party always made me feel like an overachiever, I'm a start to finish quilter, putting something aside even for a few days finds me bored with it and moving on to new, better and shinier "best quilts in the world". That's what I call most of my quilts. So, I find it a little ironic that for the last linky party I have lots of starts and only one finish.
This is my "Let's Book It" finish, when it ended up so different from the original plan I should have just locked the sewing room door, my brain went on vacation for December, this is what followed.
I trusted a fat quarter pack and put together a quilt which was hideous, the colors were awful, why is there always "that color" in a fabric line? this one had two. I had all of the rows together and had started sewing them together when David said the dreaded "It doesn't look like your usual quilts", that's code for "this quilt is hideous". So here's the quilt
I spent a full day cutting it apart and keeping the pretty ones, so now I have a whole stack of four inch squares, which I've laid out and played with but the brain is still on a beach some where, so no go.
Then I made these for a fund raising quilt
But I didn't like the way it was turning out (probably the brown, I don't usually use brown), some of them became mug rugs and the rest are just sitting there whining.
That led me to making another fund raiser quilt, which I've made before.
The blocks are made but, brain on beach=bored with making the same thing again, so now the dogs and cats are playing nicely together in a pile.
Yesterday my brain lit up and came back on line (yes, I'm a geek).
I spent the day making HST's from the cut up quilt blocks, it just needed some white to cut down on the relentless color in them.
I'm still not using the ugly colors, can't find them, may have trashed them, LOL.
Now with the brain back I've got so many ideas and quilts to make. I woke up this morning and added another. Years ago my daughter handed me a garbage bag full of her t-shirts from her sorority and asked for a quilt, I said "yea, O.K." and threw the bag in the back of the closet. The "sisters" all get together a few times a year and they just decided they need a traditional spring break, traditional meaning Ft. Lauderdale which is where Cori lives. Cori offered her house for anyone that wanted to stay there and they all accepted, 7 woman at last count will be in her tiny house, but what a great time to have that quilt done, right? David of course, asked what I'm going to do when they all want one, but we'll cross that bridge (probably jump off it) when we come to it.
So there it is, the final New FO. Normally I encourage you to jump in, now's the time if you've been thinking about it. Again, Thank You Barbara for giving us these years of fun.
Happy New Year Everyone,