June is coming to an end so it's time for the Let's Book It link up at Vroomans Quilts.
This was a busy month and I thought I end up doing something simple, but I've also been feeling the urge to do something different and a little challenging.
I got back to my stack of magazines and found this, it's Fabric Trends for Quilters, Summer 2007. They don't publish this any longer, the patterns are made from specific fabric lines.
I went right past this one, it's pretty but has a lot going on. The next to last page had the layout diagram which was so pretty I went back for another look. The blocks got lost in that background fabric.
The original blocks were 9 inches, I shrunk the block to 6 inches so it would be a baby quilt.
Using white made the blocks stand out and the design takes center stage. I drew the smaller block in EQ and used an app on my Ipad called Blockfab HD which gave me the cutting sizes for the square in a square in a square, EQ dropped the ball on that one.
I stippled the whole quilt and finished it yesterday, pictures with the terrible twins today and it's a success :)
I'm happy to have finished it but no finishes are required to join in, just be working on something from a pattern you already have, magazine, book, actual pattern or even web pages you've bookmarked qualify. I love this link up since it gets me moving on that stack of magazines and basically no rules. Check it out at Vroomans Quilts where Sharon resides, she came up with a great idea with this one.
For those of you who are friends with Debbie (Stitchin Therapy) she's back in the hospital, please keep those prayers and positive thoughts going for her.
For those of you who are friends with Debbie (Stitchin Therapy) she's back in the hospital, please keep those prayers and positive thoughts going for her.
Later Gators,