Thank goodness it's time for Aprils New Fo's at Cat Patches. I'm so glad to say a not so fond goodbye to April. My catch word for the past few weeks has to be distracted and I'm ready to get my mojo back, it's gone completely missing.
My fairly new computer started making the click of death (thanks for a quality product DELL) and after spending almost a week in the shop it was returned with nothing on it. I back-up, but lost every quilt design I've made in EQ, I backed up the wrong folder :(
When I got back up and running imagine my surprise to find my spam folder on AOL full of Daemon Mailer with almost every comment I had left on blogs, I had wondered why people weren't answering me. Turns out all of AOL was hacked and so much spam was pouring out that every server except gmail was rejecting it, including AOL. So, I want you to know, I've been reading and commenting you just haven't seen them. I've switched over to my gmail account so I'm hoping it's fixed.
What have I been sewing? Not much, this is just a top I made to use up the frog fabric that's been here way to long.
This was going to be the back, but so much work and too big (distracted) I decided to turn it into a top and threw it into the pile.
I never have a pile, but do now.
I made a bunch of these blocks in different colors, then changed direction and now they're in the pile.
I did finish one quilt, my Let's Book It project
This one definitely makes me smile.
A flurry of phone calls last night and this morning has April ending on a high note, my beautiful daughter is on her way to the Keys with a Red Alert rescue (red alert means the dog's time is up). Oreo wasn't given any time because he is sick with, we think, mange. Hopefully I'll have freedom ride pictures. Suddenly April doesn't look so bad :)
Have you made anything this month? just started something? why not join us over at Cat Patches for the linky party? Lots of nice people and a fun hostess, I hope to see you there.
Later gators,