It's finally here the show I've been waiting for. I'm so excited to introduce you to "The Twins".
This is Maya Grace on the right and Brady Bug on the left. My daughter insists on giving our pets middle names which comes in handy when they are in trouble, just like with children. They aren't really twins, but if you saw them working together to get a giant branch through the doggie door, then running through the house with it, one on either end, you would understand. When you hear "the twins" it usually means they are up to no good. The worst was the seafood buffet escapade, when they found a land crab, left it in the sun for a few days, then snuck it into the house. We found the pieces by following the aroma.
This is Maya wondering what this quilt is doing on "her" bed. She know that quilts are off limits, unless she's playing tent when they are on the ironing board. She's quite camera shy, so this is my trap.
Isn't she beautiful? She spends most of her time in that window watching the world go by, we call it "dog T.V.". All of the runners and walkers in the neighborhood know her, so they usually wave as they go by. We caught the across the street neighbor doing a little soft shoe shuffle for her once.
Here's Brady, who believes that all quilts are his, even when they're hanging.
Maya doesn't agree.
One of the reasons that I love the Pets On Quilts show is all of the love we show for our four legged children. I especially love the rescue stories since I am a big advocate for pound puppies and rescues. So I'd like to share Maya and Brady's stories.
This is Maya when she first came to live with us. She and her litter mates were dumped on the side of the highway. Happily they were found before tragedy happened. Looking this adorable they were all adopted into the community. My family feels very blessed that we got that knock on the door and were asked if we could take her in.

Here's The Bug when he first arrived from rescue. As you can see from the missing fur on his face and leg, he was very sick with mange. He was the dog who people in the Vet's waiting room would go out of their way to avoid. I cried the first time someone walked up to pet him and told him he was handsome. He's considered quite the success story at our Vet's and when he comes in, they all come out to see him. Maya hates that since she's the Princess and is supposed to be the star. I have to say though that the last time we took them both in together, the receptionist immediately said "the Gaffney dogs are here" and we were whisked right in. No waiting room for my well behaved dogs.
Thank you for letting me share my babies with you. I hope you all enjoy this wonderful show and a huge Thank You So Much to SewCalGal for all of her hard work.
What's that you say? You want to see one more picture of Brady Bug with his beautiful fur? O.K., if you insist.
By the way, please notice the quilt :) It is hourglass blocks made with Tanya Whelan's Delilah. Aren't those colors wonderful?
See you soon,